A short while back my dear friend Kim from Flowers and Art had a giveaway for a wonderful needle felted doggie.
And woof....I won.
I was so excited to receive him...he is absolutely gorgeous and the pictures do him no justice whatsoever. He was Kim's first attempt at needlefelting and all I can say is wow...if this is the first then that gal will be producing masterpieces in no time at all.
Kim also sent me some yummy chocolate which always goes down well. And some beautiful seeds for my new garden. All wrapped up with Kim's signature wrapping and tags...all gorgeous and all hand made...is there any end to that girls talents. She has set herself a goal of a new project a week...some miniature some not...go over and check them out here.
Now as grateful as I am to have him, I have to say I believe there was a reason for Kim giving this little doggie away.
He's rather a naughty dog. Maybe he is just excited after being cooped up for the journey from Minnesota to California and maybe he'll calm down. Or maybe I'll have to get him a kennel. Hmmm.

Hope he is only after the pickled vicar's wine !!!
I've been a bad blogger of late I know. I came back from Chicago and got a stinking head cold. Decongestant meds wig me out big time and not in a good way so I have to avoid them otherwise I am running around like a crazy woman. Would be a great way of getting things done quicker if they didn't leave me feeling so hung over and jittery. Still I shan't grumble as it has been at least 10 years since I've had a cold of any kind.
We have also been getting the front garden sorted out so I've had a gardener here the last 3 days and have been helping him...well, supervising at least :-) He has worked so hard and has dug up all of the front and sorted out the sprinklers system ready to add sod which hopefully he'll be doing tomorrow....the forecast is rain so I hope it is wrong. I'll share some pics next week.
I've also been busy working on a bunch of commissions which I'll be able to share photos of soon.
In the meantime these are some dead leaves ready for my next one. Interesting huh :-) They've had 7 colors painted on them so far and are curled up drying.

Isn't that plant pot awesome. it was a bead that I had Mick drill the center out. So exotic. I need to think of a suitably exotic plant to make for it.