For those who don't know, the B side of the track I used in the video a couple of posts back is called..... "You expect me to wear this cr@p"
So, my dear friends, here is the jacket....pretty bad huh ! Dire is a word that comes to mind.

But, hey ho, I learned a lot with this little jacket.
I knew it was bad pretty much from the get go, but I decided to continue with it to see what other pitfalls awaited me
Figuring there'd be many problems I had yet to encounter I thought I'd have a go at dealing with them on this jacket rather than the next one.....forewarned is forearmed right ?
Probably the biggest thing I learned was not to use fabritac glue on dries really stiff and horrible.
I also learned that I should wash the fabric first to soften it up somewhat.
Also, every sculpt I go on to make will be jointed. Kendo is jointed and it was hard enough getting the clothing on and off him...I can't imagine dressing a non jointed sculpt.
The main problems on this jacket are....
The seams on the shoulders and the hems are too stiff....fabritac !
The sleeves are too wide....I wanted them wide but not this much.
The back piece is too if I hadn't put the collar on already I could have narrowed this but the collar is too stiff from the fabritac which stops me doing it.
The collar....well that is supposed to be a Nehru collar.....dismal failure there.
I am sure it needs darts...but where and how to do them...I have no idea. I do remember from the sewing classes I did take that darts were difficult.
Ah, sewing I wish I'd paid attention. Sewing class was obligatory, along with cooking classes, when I was at school. How I hated them both.
I campaigned to be allowed to do metalwork and woodwork with the boys.....and failed. I did manage to get them to allow us to play rugby (similar to American football but without protection) instead of netball (similar to basketball) but they wouldn't budge on anything else.
Nowadays, thankfully, it is different. Boys and girls have to learn to sew and cook. Aydn can do both much better than I can.
So I did my 2 years of sewing and cooking and dropped them like a hot brick once I was deemed old enough to know what classes I wanted to take...well, as much as anyone knows at 13.
And now, not only can I not sew but I can't cook either :-)
So, what's next. I really want to get onto my next sculpt, the flute player. But, I also really could do with putting some things in my etsy shop has been so long since I made flowers for general sale so I am thinking of maybe taking a week or so to do that.
However, the pull of the clay is so we'll see :-)
So, my dear friends, here is the jacket....pretty bad huh ! Dire is a word that comes to mind.

But, hey ho, I learned a lot with this little jacket.
I knew it was bad pretty much from the get go, but I decided to continue with it to see what other pitfalls awaited me
Figuring there'd be many problems I had yet to encounter I thought I'd have a go at dealing with them on this jacket rather than the next one.....forewarned is forearmed right ?
Probably the biggest thing I learned was not to use fabritac glue on dries really stiff and horrible.
I also learned that I should wash the fabric first to soften it up somewhat.
Also, every sculpt I go on to make will be jointed. Kendo is jointed and it was hard enough getting the clothing on and off him...I can't imagine dressing a non jointed sculpt.
The main problems on this jacket are....
The seams on the shoulders and the hems are too stiff....fabritac !
The sleeves are too wide....I wanted them wide but not this much.
The back piece is too if I hadn't put the collar on already I could have narrowed this but the collar is too stiff from the fabritac which stops me doing it.
The collar....well that is supposed to be a Nehru collar.....dismal failure there.
I am sure it needs darts...but where and how to do them...I have no idea. I do remember from the sewing classes I did take that darts were difficult.
Ah, sewing I wish I'd paid attention. Sewing class was obligatory, along with cooking classes, when I was at school. How I hated them both.
I campaigned to be allowed to do metalwork and woodwork with the boys.....and failed. I did manage to get them to allow us to play rugby (similar to American football but without protection) instead of netball (similar to basketball) but they wouldn't budge on anything else.
Nowadays, thankfully, it is different. Boys and girls have to learn to sew and cook. Aydn can do both much better than I can.
So I did my 2 years of sewing and cooking and dropped them like a hot brick once I was deemed old enough to know what classes I wanted to take...well, as much as anyone knows at 13.
And now, not only can I not sew but I can't cook either :-)
So, what's next. I really want to get onto my next sculpt, the flute player. But, I also really could do with putting some things in my etsy shop has been so long since I made flowers for general sale so I am thinking of maybe taking a week or so to do that.
However, the pull of the clay is so we'll see :-)