Thursday, 31 December 2009

Another year, another decade....

Another decade gone. It doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago I was partying like it was 1999. It is certainly true what they say about time going quicker as you get older.

I have had some HUGE life changes over this last decade.

I was married. I got divorced. 

I met Mick again after 14 years and got married again.

I sold a house, rented 4 more and bought another house.

I moved from England to California to Minnesota and back to California.

I abandoned all of my earthly possessions and had to start again.

I left my family and my friends.

I left my career as a head hunter.

I became a stay at home wife and had to learn how to cook and clean.

I visited 44 US states and saw some of the most wondrous sights this country has to offer.

I started making dollhouse miniatures.

I started to learn how to sculpt.

I started a blog and got a website.

My favorite part of the last 10 years….making my Mom’s dreams come true and taking her to Graceland. She is a huge Elvis fan and never thought she’d get to visit there because she was terrified of flying. She has traveled all over Europe by motorcycle, car or boat…but she had never flown and swore she never would.  Until 2007 when Mick flew back to England to fetch her. We knew that she’d never get on a plane by herself so Mick went back to fly with her.

We surprised her with the gold suite at the heartbreak hotel and a VIP pass to visit Graceland as many times as she wanted during our stay in Memphis.

And of course we added in Sun Studios and his birth place in Tupelo, Mississippi.

We drove south  from MN and went all the way down to FL and back up the east coast so they got to visit 16 states in that road trip.

It was a trip of a lifetime and I am so very grateful to Mick for making it possible.

I wonder what the next 10 years will bring. I’m not even going to venture a guess. In 1999, if you’d have told me I’d have done all of  this in the next 10 years I’d have laughed my socks off. Who knows that the future holds for any of us.

I wish each and everyone of you a Happy new Year and 
I hope that 2010 brings you everything you are dreaming of.


  1. Happy New Year's Eve my dear friend. (((()))))

    Reading over your past decade took me back to your hiding in the Minn. basement during tornado warnings. Then all the planning to prepare the memorable trip for Mom and Adyn. Mick earned his sainthood on that one indeed. Then Big Move back to Cal. And countless other adventures big and small.

    It has enriched my life to be 'onboard' for the ups and downs. I love you to pieces.

    Can't shake this mental image of you dressed in a bra made of coconut halves, a loin cloth, bone in your hair...hunting heads. Oh LOL!

  2. Wishing you a wonderful 2010 too.
    Happy New Year,
    Julia xx

  3. Wow! That's been quite a decade Jayne!
    Happy New Year to you!

  4. Happy New Year - here's to a great 2010!


  5. Happy New Year to you and Mick Jayne, have a wonderful time whatever you do. All the best for 2010, you have certainly done an awful lot in your life in a decade, maybe the next decade will be a little more settled for you, but at least you sound very happy now!! Kate and John and familyxxx

  6. You make think about my last 10 years, a lot of changes too...but very positive
    Happy new year to you too!!
    All the best for the coming year 2010 and for the next 10 years!!

  7. WOW! What a decade for you! Mine was probably just as eventful if I sat down and thought about it!
    Hope the New Year brings you much joy and happiness!

  8. Happy New Year and here's to the next 10 years!!


  9. happy new year jayne ! seems like only yesterday you were planning that graceland trip and I was so excited for you all :0) Where the time has gone I just dont know but it has certainly been a heck of a ten years !
    I hope the next 10 will bring lots of good things, but whatever it has in store I know you'll handle it :0)
    After the decade I've just had think I can just about cope with anything now LOL
    heres to a fab 2010 ,
    julie xxx

  10. I would say that my wish for 2010 for you would be a rest- but I know you will have many adventures with your new home ahead of you. Eh, who wants a calm and boring life anyhow :) I am glad that I met you Jayne- you are a wonderful and dear friend. Wishing you lots of laughter, love and adventures for 2010. Hugs!!

    PS- How awesome for your Mom- that would be my favorite memory too :)

  11. It was good to read your post, I feel I am not teh only one who's had sooooooooooooooooo many changes in my life.
    It is nice to read how you spoilt your mother. What a fantastic idea you had.
    I am sure the next 10 years are going to be very exciting and surprising too!
    Happy New Year!

  12. Happy New Year Jayne. I hope it brings you all you wish

  13. We hope in the next decade, to read his adventures, but resting a little mother mia, few changes. but good if I start to think....
    also, there have been good and bad in my last decade.
    Happy new year.
    a Carmen hug

  14. Darling Jayne, it is so nice to read your "In the past 10 years..." I think its real sweet for you to do something for mummy. Give her a big big hug from me.

    I have just got home from KL. It is past 1am . I will email you tomorrow because for the next 10 months, you have to slowly furnish that house of you and you and I must share tips on the oriental room :).

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